The following case studies were introduced during this session.
The discussion videos were recorded during Module 2.
Lessons From a Mass Shooter’s Mother (Chin Rodger)
A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy (Sue Klebold)
Join Dr. Brian Van Brunt and other subject matter experts as they share advanced violence risk and threat assessment concepts through a four-part certification series. Participants will review case study materials, checklists, and rubrics on topics such as incels, white supremacy, insider threats, and social media threat analysis. Group rates are available. Email with questions.
Understanding and Addressing Incel Violence 11/12/24
Understanding and Addressing White Supremacist Violence 12/10/24
The Analysis of Written and Social Media Threat 1/14/25
Inside the Mass Shootings Community: Threat References, Connections and Themes 2/11/25
November to February, 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1:00–3:00 PM ET
Your Guides