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Accommodations 504/ADA on the  CARE/BIT Team

Accommodation staff and departments are tasked with reviewing requests for accommodation, assessing the materials provided, and working with the student, faculty, and staff to coordinate supports needed to achieve academically, socially, and physically. These efforts are critical to the  CARE/BIT team as many students discussed on these teams have some form of accommodations. This course will help define how the accommodation process intersects with the  CARE/BIT process in terms of supporting students, understanding contextual interviewing considerations, and building supports and interventions. The course contains useful supplemental materials, organizations, and references for accommodations staff to further their education on how they can function as an effective member of the team.


This course can also be purchased as part of the Membership Bundle.

Accommodations 504/ADA on the CARE/BIT Team

Coming late winter/early spring 2023
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