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What Case Managers/Counselors Should Know about Students with Eating Disorders

Why this is important: Case managers need to have a working knowledge of eating disorder behaviors. This program will help these case managers better understand the broad range of eating disorders (and disordered eating) and how challenging these disorders are to treat successfully.


Description:This micro-learning course offers expert guidance to explore the full range of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors case managers may come in contact with their daily work. From binge-eating to severe reductions in caloric intake, this program offers case management staff a practical overview of these challenges and how they can help. Common behaviors of concern include active purging in community bathrooms or vomit left in community spaces, food hoarding and/or poor disposal of food, and concerns expressed by other students around rapid weight change. The course will offer clear advice on the best practices related to handling each of these challenges and how to refer concerns forward to the behavioral intervention team and community resources.


Case managers will be able to:

  • Understand the different types of behaviors associated with eating disorders and how these are likely to occur
  • Appreciate the imprtance of case management as critical in observing the escalation behaviors related to eating disorders
  • Recognize how eating disorders are challenging to treat and require involvement from a multidisciplinary treatment team
  • Document behaviors that are observed by case management staff and others in a clear, concise, and timely manner
  • Aviod the lectures and bad advice often given to those with eating disorders by well-meaning helpers


This course can also be purchased as part of the Mental Health Bundle.


Please note, these trainings are designed for counselors working on a college campus providing crisis support and guidance to students. They are often referred to as non-clinical counselors or counselors who work under FERPA rather than state confidently laws.

What Case Managers/Counselors Should Know about Students with Eating Disorders

Coming late winter/early spring 2023
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