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Hover over each level to learn more.
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
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Tuned Out
This level leaves us unaware of our surroundings. If you are tuned out from what is around you, make sure you are in a safe environment or are with someone who is paying attention to your surroundings. Military and police use the phrase “watching your six” to refer to watching what might be outside of your active sight (just as the 6:00 hour on a traditional clock would be behind you as you face 12:00).
Relaxed Awareness
You may be in this state in places where you know the people around you and/or there is an established safety protocol for entry. This may include when you are at a friend’s house with
several people you know well or at a ticketed secure event.
Focused Awareness
In this level, there is no direct threat around you, but you are entering a space that presents a potential danger. This may include driving under adverse conditions, walking in a city you are unfamiliar with, or traveling in a place where a “be on alert” warning has been issued.
High Alert
There is an active threat or dangerous situation close by. Although it might feel safer to be on high alert all the time to reduce potential negative outcomes, there is a physical, cognitive, and emotional cost associated with being on high alert for a continuous period of time. Think of a flashlight in a dark environment. Although it may be useful to leave it on the entire time, there should be some consideration for battery life.
Typically, paralysis occurs in the absence of training. Most people are scared and experience paralysis when they first encounter an actively dangerous situation. These situations are often outside of our experiences and comfort zone. The goal of this training is not to remove fear or panic in reaction to a dangerous situation but rather to learn and train on the correct response until it becomes second nature.
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Risk Factors for Targeted Violence
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Practice Awareness and Memory
Notice details about others that you can share with law enforcement if needed.
Cover versus Concealment
Concealment hides us from a potential attacker. This makes it harder for them to aim a weapon at us accurately and gives us an opportunity to run further from the danger. Concealment does not, however, stop bullets or other projectiles. Cover provides us with a barrier that can stop bullets or other projectiles, offering us a wider degree of protection.
Thick concrete provides cover from most weapons.
The wooden slats of this fence provide concealment but would not stop projectiles. The sections with bricks may provide cover if they are wide and thick enough.
The trunk of a large tree can serve as protective cover.
Car doors only provide concealment - no matter what you've seen in movies. For cover, stay behind the engine block.
Wooden doors and frosted glass will not provide cover from projectiles.
A thick earth berm provides cover along with concealment.
Thick bushes and shrubbery provide concealment but not cover.
While wooden doors only provide concealment, steel doors can also provide cover.
Furniture may seem protective but only provides concealment, not cover.
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